Organizational scheme

Institute Director Mr Ales Fronka, Ph.D.

  • Board of NRPI
  • Supervisory Board of NRPI
  • SÚRO Testing Laboratories
  • SÚRO Calibration Laboratory
  • Safety director
  • Internal auditor


Section of the Director

  • Advisory Bodies of the Director
  • Information and Communication Technology Division
  • Organisational Department


Section of the Deputy Director for Finance and Accounting and Operation

Deputy Director for Finance and Accounting

  • Department of Finance and Accounting
    • Finance and Accounting Division
    • Property Management Division
  • Technical Division
  • Human Resources Division


Section of the Deputy Director for Research and Development

Deputy Director for Research and Development Ms Marie Davidkova, CSc.

  • Radiation Risks Division
  • Research and Development Projects Division
  • Research Teams


Section of the Deputy Director for Radiation Protection

Deputy Director for Radiation Protection Mr Pavel Fojtik

  • Monitoring Department 
    Head of Monitoring Department Mr Petr Rulik
    • Spectrometry Division
    • Radiochemistry Division
    • Internal Contamination Division
  • Medical Exposure Department
    Head of Medical Exposure Department Ms Irena Koniarova, Ph.D.
    • Gamma and X-ray Dosimetry Laboratory
    • Radiation Protection in Diagnostic Radiology Division
    • Radiation Protection in Radotherapy Division
    • Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine Division
  • Natural Radiation Sources Department
    Head of Natural Radiation Sources Department Ms Ivana Fojtíkova
    • Indoor Radon Survey Division
    • Radon and NORM Division
    • Radon and Thoron Laboratory Division
  • Emergency Preparedness Department 
    Head of Emergency Preparedness Department Ms Irena Cespirova
    • EWN (Early Warning Network) and Analytical Expert Group Division
    • Mobile Group Division
  • Dosimetry Department 
    Head of Dosimetry Department Ms Daniela Ekendahl
    • Applied Luminescent Dosimetry Division
    • Biological Dosimetry Division
    • Physical Dosimetry Division
  • Branch in Hradec Kralove
    Head of the Branch Mr Zdenek Borecky
    • Dosimetry and Radiochemistry Division
    • Indoor Radon Survey Division
    • Workplace in Ústí nad Labem
  • Branch in Ostrava
    Head of the Branch Ms Ivana Zenata
    • Spectrometry Division
    • Radiochemistry Division
  • Branch in Ceske Budejovice
    Head of the Branch Mr Jiri Vokalek
    • Spectrometry and Radiochemistry Division
    • Workplace in Brno of Monitoring Artificial Radionuclides
    • Workplace in Plzen


Section of the Deputy Director for Nuclear Safety

Deputy Director for Nuclear Safety Mr Lubos Pelikan

  • Research and Analysis of Nuclear Safety Department
    Head of the Department Mr Jan Syblik
    • Research of Nuclear Safety Division
    • Analysis of Nuclear Safety Division
  • Support of State Supervision Performance of Nuclear Safety Department 
    Head of the Department Mr Jan Kolar
    • Support of Control of Nuclear Devices Division
    • Support of State Supervision Performance Division
  • Expert Support Division