Summary of SURO Research Projects:
Czech Projects
Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Strategic Support of the Czech Republic Security Research Development Programme 2019-2025 (IMPAKT 1):
- Center for the support of the population in case of actual or suspected occurrence of extraordinary nuclear and radiation events - CPOMU, (project participant), 2021-2025, IS VaVaI
- Interlaboratory comparison of the dicentric chromosome assay for radiation biodosimetry, (coordinating contractor), 2023-2025, IS VaVaI
Security Research Programme 2023-2029 (OPSEC):
- Complex of methods of biological and physical retrospective dosimetry for radiation emergency, (coordinating contractor), 2023-2026, IS VaVaI
- Realisation of globally available next-generation monitoring technologies for dealing with radiation incidents, accidents and disasters, (příjemce), 2023-2025, IS VaVaI
- Ground and airborne training center for radiation emergency preparedness teams, (project participant), 2023-2026, IS VaVaI
- Upgrade of salt detector, (project participant), 2023-2025, ISVaVaI
Security Research Programme SECurity PROcurement 2022-2027 (SecPro):
- Improvement and development of tools, capabilities and skills in order to ensure effective management of the response to a radiation accident in all phases, taking into account the requirements of the National Radiation Emergency Plan of the CR, (contractor), 2023-2025, IS VaVaI
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Beta 2 Programme:
- Radon activity concentration distribution research in dwellings in the Czech Republic for the purpose of conceptual work in the field of the population exposure from the natural radiation regulation, (contractor), 2021-2024, IS VaVaI
- Optimization of protocols for CT simulators used in radiotherapy in the Czech Republic, (contractor), 2023-2024, IS VaVaI
- Assessment of the optimization of shielding of radiotherapy facilities for current radiotherapeutic techniques in the Czech Republic, (contractor), 2023-2024, IS VaVaI
Theta Programme:
- Development of a new coupling models for ETE between PARCS and TRACE in order to simulate 3D thermohydraulic and neutronic reactivity scenarios, (contractor), 2023-2025, IS VaVaI
- Application and use of advanced methods of risk monitors in SUJB regulatory practice, (contractor), 2023-2024, IS VaVaI
- Criteria Basis for Evaluation of Research Reactors Safety, (contractor), 2023-2024, IS VaVaI
- Study of variant technical solutions for deep disposal of radioactive waste, (contractor), 2023-2025, IS VaVaI
- Radiological consequences of postulated SMR accidents, (project participant), 2024-2027
- Development of a method for the identification of the origin of natural uranium by the
determination of ultralow concentrations of U-236, (project participant), 2024-2026 - Regulation of nuclear reactor reactivity without the use of boric acid, (project participant), 2024-2027
Programme National Competence Centres
- Center of Advanced Nuclear Technology II, (project participant), 2023-2028, IS VaVaI
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Research Infrastructures:
- Underground laboratory LSM - participation of Czech Republic (LSM-CZ), (project participant), 2023-2026, IS VaVaI
Operational Programme Jan Ámos Komenský
- Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane - participation of the Czech Republic, (project participant), 2024-2027, IS VaVaI
Ministry of Industry and Trade
TREND Programme
- A system for homogenizing the dose distribution on the total skin electron irradiation, (project participant), 2023-2025, IS VaVaI
- Complex innovation of equipment for removing radioactive gases from the air, (project participant), 2024-2026, IS VaVaI
International Projects
European Commission
Horizon 2020 - Euratom:
European Joint Research Programme in the management and disposal of radioactive waste - EURAD (project manager), 2019-2024

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme H2020 2014-2018 under grant agreement No. 847593
“PRE-DISposal management of radioactive waste – PREDIS“, 2020-2024

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme H2020 2014-2018 under grant agreement No. 945098

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme H2020 2014-2018 under grant agreement No. 900009
“ Awareness and resilience through European multi sensor systém – artEmis“, 2022-2026

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme EURATOM2027 under grant agreement No. 101061712
“Towards harmonisation in licensing of future nuclear power technologies in Europe – HARMONISE“, 2022-2025

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme EURATOM2027 under grant agreement No. 101061643
“ HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning – HARPERS“, 2022-2025

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme EURATOM2027 under grant agreement No. 101060028

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme EURATOM2027 under grant agreement No. 101061037
“ Safety Analysis of SMR with PAssive Mitigation strategies - Severe Accident SASPAM-SA“, 2022-2026

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme EURATOM2027 under grant agreement No. 101059853
“Supplying the European Research Reactors with Safe Low-Enriched Uranium Fuels for Their Conversion and Long-Term Operation to Secure the Supply of Medical Radioisotopes – EU-CONVERSION“

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme EURATOM2027 under grant agreement No. 101163752
“European Partnership on Radioactive Waste Management – 2 – EURAD2“

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme EURATOM2027 under grant agreement No. 1010166718