Summary of Completed SURO Research Projects:
Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Security Research Programme for Needs of the State 2016-2021 (VH)
- Emergency preperadness inovation for emergency response in the early and intermediate phase of nuclear power plant radiation accidents (contractor), 2017-2020, IS VaVaI
- Recovery Management Strategy for Affected Areas after Radiation Emergency (coordinating contractor), 2017-2020, IS VaVaI
- Early identification of low concentrations of radioactive aerosol in the Czech Republic (contractor), 2020-2021, IS VaVaI
Security Research Programme for Needs of the State 2010-2015 (VF)
- Research of advanced methods of detection, estimation and management of resulting radioactive contamination (contractor), 2010-2015, IS VaVaI
- A low-cost passive dosemeter for assessment of external exposure of persons in operational environment (contractor), 2016-2016, IS VaVaI
- Testing of new systems for large scale thyroid monitoring after the nuclear power facility accident (contractor), 2016-2016, IS VaVaI
Czech Republic Security Research Programme 2015-2022 (VI)
- Optimalization of system of in-situ measurements and remediation in agriculture (coordinating contractor), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Detector of the radioactive contamination in wounds (coordinating contractor), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Retrospective dosimetry for incidents with orphan radioactive sources (contractor), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Innovative methods for detecting ultra-low level radioactivity for water-source vulnerability evaluation after nuclear accident (coordinating contractor), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Public communication, education and media literacy in the area of anthropogenic and hybrid threats in radiation protection (coordinating contractor), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Optimization of procedures for realization of crop production in the region affected by a nuclear accident (coordinating contractor), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Dosimetry for radiation accidents and incidents in the context of new operational quantities for external radiation (contractor), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Systems for measurement of artificial radioactivity in surface water bodies in case of a nuclear accident (coordinating contractor) 2017-2020, IS VaVaI
- Identification of radiation extraordinary events origin at nuclear power plants and classification system of their relevance (coordinating contractor) 2017-2020, IS VaVaI
- Disposal of radiation-contaminated biomass after NPP accident-distribution, logistic of harvesting, exploring in biogas technology (project participant) 2017-2020, IS VaVaI
- The new generation of portal monitors to ensure the security of the population (coordinating contractor) 2017-2020, IS VaVaI
- A device for measurement of radioactive aerosols in emergency situation with remote data transfer (coordinating contractor), 2015-2018, IS VaVaI
- Radiation Monitoring Network for institutions and schools to assure early awareness and enhancing safety of citizens (RAMESIS) (coordinating contractor) 2015-2019, IS VaVaI
- Methodologies for determination of personal radiation doses in the view of nuclear and radiological terrorism threats (contractor) 2015-2020, IS VaVaI
Security Research Programme of the Czech Republic 2021-2026: Development, Testing and Evaluation of New Security Technologies (SECTECH) (VB):
- Compact measuring module for drones with integrated radiation detector, (project participant), 2022-2023, IS VaVaI
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Alfa Programme (TA):
- Technology for obtaining low radon activity clean room at surface and underground laboratories with suppression of all types of ionizing radiation, (project participant) 2014-2017, IS VaVaI
- Modular station for continuous measurements of natural radioactivity (coordinating contractor) 2012-2014, IS VaVaI
- The development of a new scintillation detectors and a advanced testing technology (project participant), 2012-2014, ISVaVaI
- Facility providing extremely low concentration of radon (project participant)
- 2012-2015, IS VaVaI
- Increasing of the Effectiveness of the System for Cleaning of Drinking Water Sources Contaminated by the Uranium in the Concentrations above the Treshold (Regeneration Site for Radioactively Contaminated Sorbents) (project participant) 2012-2014, IS VaVaI
Beta Programme (TB):
- Research on the best practices to identify workplaces with a potential increased exposure to radon for the purpose of the implementation of EU Council Directive 2013/59 / Euratom (contractor) 2016-2016, IS VaVaI
- Creating of a new strategic documents to regulate radiation from natural sources in the housing stock in the Czech Republic (contractor) 2015-2016, IS VaVaI
- Optimization of Radiation Protection in Medical Exposure of Pediatric Pacients and Safety of Radiotherapy with Photon and Proton Beams in the Czech Republic (contractor) 2015-2016, IS VaVaI
- Optimalization of Exposure of Public and Workers to Natural Sources of Ionizing Radiation in the Czech Republic (contractor) 2014-2016, IS VaVaI
- Research on Population Exposure and Radiation Protection Optimization in Radiotherapy of Benign Diseases in the Czech Republic (contractor) 2014-2016, IS VaVaI
- The research on exposure of Czech population to radon and other natural ionizing radiation. The impact of the existing regulation systém (contractor), 2012-2014, IS VaVaI
- Research on Population Exposure and Radiation Protection Optimization in Medical Exposures in the Czech Republic (contractor), 2012-2014, IS VaVaI
Beta 2 Programme (TI):
- A National Study of Head & Neck Radiotherapy Safety in the Czech Republic, (contractor), 2020-2023, IS VaVaI
- National patient dose survey in pediatric radiology in the Czech Republic (contractor), 2020-2023, IS VaVaI
- Doses optimalization from CT pacient examination with high level radiation load (contractor) 2018-2020, IS VaVaI
- Mapping and Determination of Radiation Risks of Contaminated Territories (project participant) 2019-2021, IS VaVaI
- Optimized procedures for planning and verification in medical application of radionuclides (radionuclide therapy) (contractor) 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
Theta Programme (TK):
- Development and Application of the methodology for verification of the subcriticality of the spent fuel of NPP Dukovany and NPP Temelin (burn-up credit), (project participant), 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Conception of new system of modelling of artificial radionuclide spreading in hydrosphere during the common operation of NPP and its accident with external impact including data assimilation according to the state requirements, (project participant), 2019-2023, IS VaVaI
- Development and application of methodology for verification of safety parameters of new core layouts in EDU and ETE, (project participant), 2020-2023, IS VaVaI
- Calculation model for thermomechanical behavior of fuel rod including degradation processes of nuclear fuel coverage (project participant) 2018-2020, IS VaVaI
- Development of SUBCHANFLOW (SCF) model for Sub-Channel Thermohydraulic Analysis of the reactor core and its validation by the code to code method (project participant), 2018-2020, IS VaVaI
- New Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling System for Radionuclides (contractor) 2018-2020, IS VaVaI
Centres of Competence Programme (TE):
- Radiation and nuclear safety technologies development center: RANUS – TD (project participant) 2012-2019, IS VaVaI
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitivness 2014-2020 (EG):
- Research and development of a new airborne gamma-ray spectrometer, (project participant), 2021-2023, IS VaVaI
TRIO Programme (FV):
- Inverse radiotherapy treatment planning system with advanced optimization algorithms for modern radical radiotherapy (project participant) 2019-2022, IS VaVaI
- Radon probes of a new generation (project participant) 2018-2020, IS VaVaI
- Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System - the most advanced optimization algorithms for 3D dose calculation of external beams in the body and their integration into the new generation of the treatment planning systém (project participant) 2017-2020) IS VaVaI
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Large Research Infrastructures Projects 2010-2026 (LM):
- Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane – participation of the Czech Republic (project participant) 2020-2022, IS VaVaI
- Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane – participation of the Czech Republic (project participant) 2016-2019, IS VaVaI
Operational Programme Research, Development, Education 2014-2020 (EF):
- Engineering applications of microworld physics (project participant) 2018-2022, IS VaVaI
- Underground laboratory LSM - Czech participation to European-level research (project participant) 2017-2020, IS VaVaI
7th Framework Programme of the European Commission - Euratom for Nuclear Research and Education 2008-2017 (7G):
- Low Dose Research towards Multidisciplinary Integration (project participant) 2013-2015, IS VaVaI
Financial Mechanisms of EEC/Norway 2008-2017 (7F):
- Advanced Detectors for Better Awareness of Neutrons and Gamma rays in environment (project participant) 2014-2017, IS VaVaI
Support of the 7th Framework Programme of European Commission Projects for the Development of Technologies and Demonstrations 2007-2013 (7E):
- CBRN crisis management: Architecture, Technologies and Operational Procedures (project participant) 2013-2014, IS VaVaI
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)
Standard Projects Programme (GA):
- Degradation of polymer waterproofing by alpha particles and soil bacteria (project participant) 2011-2013, IS VaVaI
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
Resort Research and Development Programme (NS):
- Health risks from occupational and environmental radon exposure (contractor) 2009-2011, IS VaVaI
International Projects
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Development of Postal Dosimetry Audits for Conformal Radiotherapy Techniques in the Czech Republic, 2009-2011
- Establishment of Calibration Procedures In SSDL And Clinical Dosimetry For Nonstandard Imaging Modalities And Dosimetric Tasks, 2010-2012
- Development of Quality Audits for Advanced Technology in Radiotherapy Dose Delivery (IMRT) in the Czech Republic, 2013-2015
European Commission
H2020-Euratom - Euratom
European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research - "European Concerted Programme on Radiation Protection Research - CONCERT“ (manažer projektu), 2015-2020

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme H2020 2014-2018 under grant agreement No. 662287
Seventh Framework Programme
ECHORD Plus Plus European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development Plus Plus
- “Radioactive Waste Robotic Sorter - RadioRoSo“ (další účastník projektu), 2016-2018

This project has received funding from the 7th Framework programme under grant agreement No. 601116
OPERRA Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area
- “Child and Adult Thyroid Monitoring After Reactor Accident - CAThyMARA“ (další účastník projektu), 2015-2017

This project has received funding from the 7th Framework programme under grant agreement No. 604984
- “Blended learning in radiation protection and radioecology“ (další účastník projektu), 2015-2017

This project has received funding from the ERASMUS+ programme under grant agreement No. 1084585
The European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP)
- “Metrology for Processing Materials with High Natural Radioactivity“ - JRP: IND57 MetroNORM (další účastník projektu), 2013-2016

This project has received funding from the European Metrology Research Programme programme under grant agreement No. IND57-REG2
EURATOM - FISSION, Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection
- “Low Dose Research towards Multidisciplinary Integration - DoReMi “ (další účastník projektu), 2013-2015, IS VaVaI

This project has received funding from EURATOM-FISSION, Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection Programme under grant agreement No. 249689
Programme Security:
- "CBRN Crisis Management: Architecture, Technologies and Operational Procedures – CATO" (další účastník projektu), 2013-2014, IS VaVaI

This project has received funding from programme Security under grant agreement No. 261693
Health Programme: