TLD Territorial Network
Figure 1: Territorial TLD Network
The dosemeter has form of a card containing 4 thermoluminescent detectors inserted in a cover with incorporated different filters (Figure 2). The thermoluminescent material used is LiF:Mg,Cu,P. The dosemeters are measured by means of automatic TLD Harshaw 6600 reader (Figure 3).
Figure 2: Parts of the thermoluminescent dosemeter

Figure 3: Automatic TLD system Harshaw 6600

In case of a normal radiation situation, the measurements are performed quarterly. The output is mean value of ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10) [nSv/h] calculated for each monitoring point. Distribution of results is shown in Figure 4. The values of H*(10) [nSv/h] usually do not exceed the range from 70 nSv/h to 250 nSv/h. These results represent values of the natural radiation background in the environment of the Czech Republic.
Figure 4: Distribution of mean values of H*(10) [nSv/h] measured on the territory of the Czech Republic in 2023
Regions in the Czech Republic
Praha - Prague, STČ - Central Bohemia, JČ - South Bohemia, ZČ - West Bohemia, SČ - North Bohemia, VČ - East Bohemia, JM - South Moravia, SM - North Moravia